Евгения Изварина (evizvarina) wrote,
Евгения Изварина

Фруктово-овощное творчество

Оригинал взят у np_morozova в Фруктово-овощное творчество

Decoracion Hogar - Decoracion Diy-Manualidades - Comunidad - Google+:

Это творчество набрало такие обороты за последние годы, что только удивляешься. И  салаты украшают, и бутерброды, и режут по поверхности, и скульптуры создают, и композиции. Выбрала те работы, где не так много вмешательства, хорошо обыграны особенности того или иного фрукта.


Orange Cat: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/4a/c2/f04ac262a7edd644b0d989cc583b2270.jpg:

#Food #FunnyFood #FoodArt http://viaggi.asiatica.com/:

Food carving:


How cute are these animal sculptures that are made from fruits and vegetables! I am always amazed by the creative minds and skillful hands to make something ordinary (such as fruits and vegetables) to become extraordinary! Dog from cabbage, penguins from eggplant, tortoise from melon, cat from orange, crabs from peppers, …:


Creative Animals Made of Fruits And Vegetables 0_1:


画像3 : 『フルーツカービング』を知っていますか?タイ王国に伝わる伝統芸ですが、いまや、色んな形で食卓や場を華やかにするツールとなっています。Pinterestで見つけた、素敵なカービングアイデアをご紹介します♪:

Adorable little tangerine snail. #cute #fruit:

Aww! Check out more at https://www.facebook.com/caloriecount?fref=ts:

How cute are these animal sculptures that are made from fruits and vegetables! I am always amazed by the creative minds and skillful hands to make something ordinary (such as fruits and vegetables) to become extraordinary! Dog from cabbage, penguins from eggplant, tortoise from melon, cat from orange, crabs from peppers, …:

Green onion geese:

From the Cool Hunter, "Salad time". #provestra:

Food art work (10):

Creative Animals Made of Fruits And Vegetables 34:

Cool, and favorites too!!!!!:

Creative Fruit Animals To Brighten Your Day #creative #fruitanimal #fun:

Home Grown Corn Cob Bunny Figurine:

Creative Animals Made of Fruits And Vegetables 1_2:


Butternut Squash Guinea Pig $15.00:

orange#Repin By:Pinterest++ for iPad#:

Creative Animals Made of Fruits And Vegetables 2_1:

Elefante remolacha:

this is so cute & neat! :

Home Grown Veggie Animal Figurine - Avocado Parrot:


Unbelievable and Inspirational Fruit Art:

snort snort  Joost Elffers and Saxton Freymann:

Вдохновило на произведения:

Creative food art…:


А эти товарищи сами стали астронавтами, хоть и морковки.



Tags: братья старшИе, юмор

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